Sunday, February 28, 2010

Timothy Centre

The Timothy Centre in Masaka is the new project that has grown out of the Kibaale Community Centre. At this time, this project will primarily be a girl’s college.

Right now there are already 3 completed guest houses at the Timothy Centre and we are excavating and pouring foundations for the first phase of school buildings.

We are very excited to get more involved in this project when we move to Masaka this summer. When we first came to Kibaale 2 years ago one of the first things we worked on was finalizing the deal to purchase the Timothy Centre land. That took an entire year! This past year has been spent finalizing the plans and building the guest homes. I am quite excited to go back to my construction skills on a more regular basis when we move to Masaka, as rusty as they may have become!

This is Brian.  As the Director of the Kibaale Community Centre I get letters on a pretty regular basis asking for jobs or assistance. His letter really stuck out to me. He wrote of when he was 6 years old, living in Rwanda during the Genocide, forced to watch as his parents were murdered in front of him. Over the last 16 years he has worked his way thru school and recently ended up in Kibaale. We did not have any positions open but I was happy to be able to find work from him at the Timothy Centre where he will learn masonry and other construction skills. 

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