Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sports Day

Our social committee put on our last Sports Day for the year on Saturday. It always amazes us how excited our staff are to fully participate in these events!!

Jeff was involved in a running race, wrestling, tug of war and the final soccer game. He was 1st in soccer, 3rd in running and dead last in wrestling!! It's normal for him to join in on all these events, but on Saturday he was feeling quite sick and pushed himself too far. After every event he would come home, collapse on the floor for 10 minutes, and then run back out for more!

On Sunday he spent the day in bed, but is feeling much better now. Since then, Joel, Avin and Finn have been sick. The flu is going around our centre and of course Malaria now that the rains have begun, please keep our health in your prayers. Thanks!!

1 comment:

JECKS said...

Love that Rose is right in there!! These are GREAT pictrues... oh how we miss ALL OF IT!