It's October 1st and this is the first post on here this year, oops! So let's fast forward through the year really quickly with some highlights and then try to update more regularly.
J A N U A R Y had Jeff and I making a quick trip to Vancouver for some fundraising and meetings, we had a layover in New York City enroute which made the long journey back a little bit more fun!
F E B R U A R Y was the start of what would be the busiest year for visitors that we've ever had. It was amazing to share Kibaale with so many groups and teams this year, that was definitely a highlight of the year!
Jeff is giving a tour of Kibaale to our first team of the year, this is his favourite part of the tour, the wall of graduates! These students are now spread across Uganda working as teachers, lawyers, doctors, carpenters, in tourism and so much more!
"Kibaale Community Centre exists to impact the nation of Uganda through evangelism, discipleship and education."
February is the start of the school year in Kibaale, welcoming the new nursery students on their first day is always a highlight for me!
Avin turned 16 on February 20th!!
M A R C H is spring break in Canada which always brings the Pacific Academy Outreach team, a highlight for our kids every year! Avin's friend Ally joined us in Uganda for 3 weeks this month and good friends came with their 3 boys, it was a very good month!
Our family sponsored one of the new nursery students, Lenon! He is the sweetest, we loved meeting his family and seeing where he lives.
Finn turned 15 on March 20th!!
A P R I L brought Joel home from bible school, he had an amazing time but we were all pretty excited to have him back in Uganda!
Joel meeting Lenon!
We had 2 teams from Village Church in April, their ministry school came in the first half of the month and a team of nurses came the second half of the month. The nursing team worked alongside our clinic staff on site and helped out with a mobile clinic in Kamuli.
M A Y brought Jeff and I to London with Village Church and all of their missionary partners, we all attended the Alpha Leadership Conference together.
Back at home in Kibaale a team of nursing students from Trinity Western University came with 3 nurses from Village Church for the whole month of May. One of the highlights of their time was doing health education in the school!
Visitors meeting their sponsor child is always a highlight!
J U N E 's highlight was Joel being baptized at a lake near our house in Masaka!!!
These 4 just having fun on home visits!
J U L Y finished off our season of visitors with a family from Pacific Academy School that has been supporting Kibaale since the very beginning, that's 30 years!
Taking in one of our favourite views in Uganda at Lake Mburo.
Kevin is from Wagner Hills, an addiction rehab centre in BC. He's been working alongside Vicent from the Kibaale Community Centre since May. They have been meeting with people in the community who are trying to get over alcohol addictions. We're amazed by the relationships these two are building and the interest there already is!
We're heading to Canada for the month of August so we're soaking up all the time we can with the kids in Kibaale!
The kids are soaking up all the time they can with their puppy Buff!
Last sunset in Kibaale for the 6 of us for a while, we're not sure when Joel will be back here with us, he's staying in BC to go to Trinity Western University!
A U G U S T brings our family to BC, but first we spent a few days in Barcelona!
Joel turned 19 on August 7th!!
Meeting our new niece Marlowe was a favourite day in BC.
Beautiful British Columbia indeed! We loved our time visiting with friends and family; the kids all had a chance to go to a summer camp and we were all able to explore a few new lakes and beaches.
The Village Church Golf Tournament is something we had been talking about and planning for over a year so to have this day finally arrive and for it to be a such a HUGE success was amazing, the favourite day of the summer for our entire family!
$1,225,000 was raised in one day for building projects in Kibaale, unreal!!
Dropping Joel off at university was very bittersweet, we're so excited for him but the reality that we're returning to Uganda without him definitely sunk in on that day.
S E P T E M B E R is back to Uganda and back to school! Avin is in grade 11, Finn is in grade 10 and Mazzy is in grade 7!!
It is also back to school in Uganda, September is the start of term 3.
Mazzy turned 12 on September 29th!!
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