Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Hope, Gilbert & Jennifer

This week I had the opportunity, with Avin, to check in on a few of our students and their families at home. One of the best things about our sponsorship program is how we support the entire family, we want to make sure our students are healthy and doing well at home, but also their guardians and siblings! 

Hope Akankunda is the absolute cutest P1 student, and she does not yet have a sponsor!! She has 2 brothers and 1 sister, the parents are alive but abandoned all of the children so they are being raised by their grandmother. She is a peasant farmer; growing potatoes, beans and maize on their small piece of land, it is only enough for their family though not for any income. Hope loves math, her teachers at school and all of her friends. Her prayer request is for rain for their crops, to always do well in school and for a sponsor! 

For $35 a month you can support Hope in school, she gets a meal everyday, a new uniform, and health care for her entire family. 100% of your donation each month goes directly to Hope! 
Email us for more information or click here to Sponsor Hope! 

Gilbert Bukenya is also in Grade 1, he lives with his parents and 6 siblings. His sister Alice is also in Grade 1 at our school, Gilbert is older but did not start school on time. His parents are growing their own food but it is also just enough for the family to eat. Gilbert's Mom said they are praying for health for their children as a few of them have had malaria this month, for rain for their crops and for their children to do well in school.

Gilbert's baby brother is the cutest! 

Gilbert looks just like his beautiful Mom. 

Jennifer, who is in Grade 4 just got sponsored and we were able to visit her home and tell her family the great news! They were so excited and said it is an answer to their biggest prayer!! 
 Jennifer lives with her Mom, 3 brothers and 2 sisters, her brother Joshua is also at our school.

Her Mom was so full of joy! 

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